Saturday, February 8, 2014

Weight Loss Quick Tips - Health and Fitness Tips We Should All Live By.

When it boils down to it we all need to adopt healthy habits. Obesity is a serious problem. More and more people are being declared obese by their doctors. Of course this opens the door for the big pharmaceutical companies to come up with new pills, powders and shakes that will supposedly help you shed a million pounds overnight. None of these magic pills and potions work.

It's time we all start taking responsibility for ourselves and take our health more seriously. Far too many people are dying due to obesity related diseases. It has to stop. Here are four very simple health and fitness tips we should all start living by. Let's check some tips for health and fitness.

Health & Fitness Tip #1 - Start Drinking More Water

Water is extremely important to your overall health. Not only does it keep you hydrated and ensure your vital organs continue to function and operate, but it also helps you lose weight by ridding your body of toxins and excess fat. Too many of us are borderline dehydrated. That means our bodies are basically working overtime trying to flush out all the toxins and junk. So drink more water. It does a body good.

Health & Fitness Tip #2 - Eat More Often Throughout the Day

When it comes to losing weight and getting in shape you want to eat more and not less. I know this sounds counter intuitive but hear me out. Most of use grew up on the whole eat 3 square meals a day bit. And while that isn't bad advice, it also isn't the best advice when it comes to losing weight and getting in shape.

If you truly want to lose weight you will need to up the number of times you eat during the day. Notice I didn't say up the amount of food you eat. Instead of eating 3 large meals a day you should eat 5 or 6 small meals. By doing this you will rev up your metabolism and cause your body to burn more calories all throughout the day. So start the day off with a nice healthy breakfast. This will help set the tone and get your body ready to burn the fat.

Health & Fitness Tip #3 - Get Out And Get Some Exercise

Something as simple as a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood will have a profound effect on your health. By getting regular exercise you will keep your heart and your joints strong. You will also prevent certain diseases from occurring. If you are currently out of shape then you can just start off with something simple. Next time you have the option to take the elevator or the stairs, choose the stairs.

Next time you go to the grocery store, park as far back as you can. Don't ride around looking for a close spot. You don't need to join a gym and pay a monthly fee to get exercise on a daily basis. Just be creative and most importantly have fun. Run around with the kids or play a game on the kindle with them. Anything that gets you moving is a good idea.

Health & Fitness Tip #4 - Find A Way to Stay Motivated

Losing weight and getting in shape is not easy. That's why it is very important that you find ways to keep yourself motivated and on track. The first thing you should do to stay motivated is determine your "why". Why do you want to lose the weight and get in shape? Do you want to make sure you're around to see your grand kids grow up?

What is your "why"? Make sure it is big enough to keep you going during the rough patches. You should also consider getting a workout buddy. Having someone there to hold you accountable is a great motivator.

8 Key Training Principles for Fitness and Sports Training

The 8 Training Principles are research-based guidelines that can help you accelerate your training progress and optimize your results. Knowing how to apply these principles gives you an educated basis on which you can make informed decisions about designing your fitness or sports training program. The principles can also help you evaluate the merits of fitness equipment and personal fitness training services.

All of the principles complement each other. For best results, they should be applied in concert throughout every phase of training.

1. Principle of Specificity suggests that your body will make adjustments according to the type of training you perform and in the very same muscles that you exercise. How you train determines what you get.
This principle guides you in designing your fitness training program. If your goal is to improve your overall level of fitness, you would devise a well-rounded program that builds both endurance and overall body strength. If you want to build the size of your biceps, you would increase weight loads on bicep curls and related exercises.

2. The Principle of Overload implies that you must continually increase training loads as your body adapts over time. Because your body builds and adjusts to your existing training regimen, you must gradually and systematically increase your work load for continued improvement.
A generally accepted guideline for weight training is to increase resistance not more than 10% per week. You can also use percentages of your maximum or estimated maximum level of performance and work out within a target training zone of about 60-85% of maximum. As your maximum performance improves, your training loads will increase, as well.

3. The Principle of Recovery assets that you must get adequate rest between workouts in order to recuperate. How much rest you need depends upon your training program, level of fitness, diet, and other factors.
Generally, if you perform a total body weight workout three days per week, rest at least 48 hours between sessions. You can perform cardio more frequently and on successive days of the week.
Over time, too little recovery can result in signs of over training. Excessively long periods of recovery time can result in a detaining effect.

4. The Principle of Reversibility refers to the loss of fitness that results after you stop training. In time, you will revert back to your per-training condition. The biological principle of use and disuse underlies this principle. Simply stated, If you don't use it, you lose it.
While adequate recovery time is essential, taking long breaks results in detaining effects that may be noticeable within a few weeks. Significant levels of fitness are lost over longer periods. Only about 10% of strength is lost 8 weeks after training stops, but 30-40% of endurance is lost in the same time period.
The Principle of Reversibility does not apply to skills. The effects of stopping practice of motor skills, such as weight training exercises and sport skills, are very different. Coordination appears to store in long-term motor memory and remains nearly perfect for decades. A skill once learned is never forgotten.

5. The Principle of Variation implies that you should consistently change aspects of your workouts. Training variations should always occur within ranges that are aligned with your training directions and goals. Varying exercises, sets, reps, intensity, volume, and duration, for example, prevents boredom and promotes more consistent improvement over time. A well-planned training program set up in phases offers built-in variety to workouts, and also prevents over training.

6. The Principle of Transfer suggests that workout activities can improve the performance of other skills with common elements, such as sport skills, work tasks, or other exercises. For example, performing explosive squats can improve the vertical jump due to their common movement qualities. But dead lifting would not transfer well to marathon swimming due to their very dissimilar movement qualities.

7. The Principle of Individualization suggests that fitness training programs should be adjusted for personal differences, such as abilities, skills, gender, experience, motivation, past injuries, and physical condition. While general principles and best practices are good guides, each person's unique qualities must be part of the exercise equation. There is no one size fits all training program.

8. The Principle of Balance is a broad concept that operates at different levels of healthy living. It suggests that you must maintain the right mix of exercise, diet, and healthy behaviors. Falling out of balance may cause a variety of conditions (e.g., anemia, obesity) that affect health and fitness. In short, it suggests all things in moderation.

If you go to extremes to lose weight or build fitness too quickly, your body will soon respond. You could experience symptoms of over training until you achieve a healthy training balance that works for you.

Home Fitness Training: Who Benefits From This?

There are many ways a person could lose weight and get fit. They could play sports on a regular basis, go to the gym, or settle down with a good home fitness training routine. In recent years, home workout programs have become more and more popular as shown by the sheer amount of exercise programs and instructional video designed to target those who want to get fit without having to pay for a gym membership. While there are many benefits to working out at home, it is not for everyone. Some people benefit from this type of exercise routine more than others. Here are some examples of people who would benefit the most from working out at home instead of at the gym. Here we discourses about mainly fitness training.

• People who live far from the gym or fitness center - Some people are lucky enough to be able to find a gym close to where they live. Unfortunately for many, they would need to make a 30-60 minute commute just to get to the nearest fitness center. That's a lot of wasted time, especially for people who want to squeeze in a good workout despite their very busy schedules. If going to the gym to work out is too much of a hassle, then they would be better off doing their exercise routines at home.

• Stay-at-home moms and dads - Staying at home to take care of the kids isn't as easy as many people think. Many times, it's actually a workout in itself. Of course, nothing beats a real home fitness training routine to keep one's energy up throughout the day. Parents who stay at home sneak in a good work out while their children are taking their afternoon nap. This way, they can get the exercise they need without having to leave their kids in the care of a babysitter.

• People who are on a tight budget - In this economy, a gym membership is a luxury many people can't afford. After comparing the cost of the monthly dues one has to pay for exercise classes at the fitness center with the price of a good instructional exercise DVD and basic workout equipment, the choice becomes pretty obvious. There are also a lot of free exercise tips and instructional material available online for those who don't want to spend a dime on a good workout plan.

• People who are uncomfortable working out in public - For many people who want to exercise to lose weight; showing off flab instead of abs at the gym is a frightening thought. Working out at home helps give them the privacy they need to do their exercises and shed off that extra weight.

• People who can afford an in-home personal trainer - Having one-on-one workout sessions with a personal trainer can really do wonders for one's health and physique. Not everyone can afford this, but for those who can, there's just no other way to do it.

The best way to decide whether a home fitness training regimen is the right way to go is to try it out. If it doesn't work, there are plenty of other options to choose from. So, here we get a concept about fitness training.
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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Too much stress? Let's fix this.

Reduce your stress.
Take time to relax. Stress can raise your cholesterol levels and hypertension and lead to cardiac problems. Stress is also a prelude for mental illnesses like depressive disorder. See your doctor for help in handling stress.
    You know their suggestion would help their profits most likely, but there are many ways to deal with stress naturally.
  • Take the dog for a walk, basically show attention to your pet. Playing with, walking, or feeding your pet will take your mind off of what's stressing you. Quiet as it's kept, the energy from some animals help with healing.
  • Meditate- Meditation will help balance you spiritually and calm the nerves. If done right it will put you in a zen like state and clear the mind. You will be able to think better, with clarity, and solve your stress related problems.
  • Do something fun that you're passionate about like hiking, bike riding, exercising, etc... Something that put your body to work and the mind in a joyful state.
  • Avoid negative people and messages from T.V., radio, newspapers, etc...
  • Laugh,  even though it's no laughing matter. Laughter has many more benefits for your well being including being a stress buster. Look at some comedy, do something stupid but nothing harmful. It may backfire and increase your stress.
  • Sleep, a short nap recharges the mind and body.
  • Deep breathing- Inhaling through the nose and expanding your chest as well as the stomach. Exhale through the mouth. It's best to do slow repetitions in and out while putting in your mind that you are inhaling positive energy and exhaling the negative. In fact, this is true. ( Inhaling through the nose provides cleaner air, that's what the hair in your nose is for, to clean the garbage from the air you breathe in.)
These are just a few remedies, be creative and do whatever is necessary to get yourself realigned with nature.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

the step aerobic workout.

The step aerobic workout is one of the popular exercises which you can undertake. There are a lot of variety movements which are fun to perform. In addition, it is able to help you lose weight and tone your body.

Step aerobics is also simple to do. In addition, this kind of exercise does not need any special equipment so that it is very cheap to do, but a step platform. If you want to join aerobic workout, you should be able to master the basic steps you have to perform. You can see those basic steps below.
Just like another type of exercise, you also need to do warming up for aerobic. You can do it for about 7 or 10 minutes. The warm up you can do include the mild jogging. It is to prevent you from getting injured during your real workout.


This kind of step is done by forming letter A in 4 counts. To perform this step, you have to keep the platform in sideways and stand in the center of the platform by using your left foot. Bring your right foot on the top of the platform. After that, step down using your right foot to the other side of platform and then bring your left foot down close to your right foot.

Basic Left Stepping

To perform this kind of step, you can face the side of horizontal platform. Step on the platform using your left foot and your right foot follows. Then, step back down by using your left foot and your right foot follows. You can also do right stepping in the same way as left stepping.

Across the Top

You can perform this step while you are facing the platform sideways. Step on the platform by using one of your foot and the other one follows so that they are on the same platform. Then, step down on the floor with one of your foot. Bring the other food beside your first foot.


You can do this type of step aerobics without a platform. You only need to step to the side with one of your foot and then bring your other foot behind your first foot. Then, step your first foot to the side and bring your other foot beside your first food.

Charleston Exercise

You can do this step aerobics with or without a platform. You only need to step forward with one of your foot and then the other follows. Then, step back your first foot and the second follows.

Turnstep Exercise

You can do this exercise by facing platform sideways. Step on it by using one of your feet and keep it perpendicular. And then bring your other foot to the other side of the platform. After that, step down with your first foot to the other side of platform and the second foot follows.