step aerobics workout

Step Aerobics - 3 Exercises

Step Aerobics is another form of aerobic exercise that involves an elevated platform or a step. The person places his foot on it and performs various forms of exercises. The very basic step aerobics involves placing one foot on the platform and then alternately place the other foot on the platform with first foot down the step.

Different variations in this very basic exercise are practiced to perform a regular workout. There are many reasons as to why many are interested in making step aerobics a part of their regular workout sessions. These are explained below:

It is not only simple but easy to perform as well. This workout is more intense than normal aerobics.
You don't require proper coordination for this exercise. The exercise is a low-impact one that stresses joints less as compared to jogging and running. The equipment used is cheap
It burns calories.

Small area can be used for this and can be carried out at home. You will receive same benefits as that of cardio exercise.

There were some of the benefits and reasons why step aerobics are preferred by most of the people nowadays. Three step aerobics are given below:
1. Charleston: The initial position for this is such that the person is standing at an angle to the step such that the right foot is placed on the step and the left foot is nearer to step as compared to the right one. Now, the left foot is placed at the corner of the step. The knee is raised or tapping or while kicking the left foot is moved to the initial position. Finally bring down your foot from the step and lung backward.
2. A-step: Place one foot on the step while the other on the ground. Now bring your other foot that is on ground upwards at the same time bring the foot on the step down on the ground but on the other side of the step. Place your second foot adjoining to the first step on the ground on the other side of the step.
3. Diagonal: Stand parallel to the step at the corner such that it is towards the left of your foot. Now place your left foot right in the center right of step while the right foot is placed at top left of step. Now, place your left foot on floor such that it is near to the corner of step which is diagonally opposite to your initial position. Place your right foot next to the left foot.

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