Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Birthday bash

        Hey! In case u didn’t know, it’s my birthday. U know the traditional celebration on your special day.
·        I’m looking 2 get treated well 2 day from all my friends.
·        My other half is going 2 surprise me with a gift.
·        I’m kickin’ it 2 the club, till it close.
·        Um gon b smashed, toe up from da flo up, AAAUUUGGGHHHH!!!
·        Um gonna get some sexual healing 2 nite.

 Ever think ahead of time what the outcome may b if things don’t go as planned?

·        I can’t find any1, what the f*%k?
·        My other half is mad at me./ I’m single with no play mates available 2 day.
·        DANG!!! My birthday fell on Sunday. /I have 2 GO 2 work. OVERTIME!
·        Cake and ice cream? NO STRIPPER N IT, I’m 47 years old idiot!
·        On yo time of the month. /I can’t get it up if I used a crane, 2 drunk.

          Even worse your body let u know n an unexpected way, health issues arise from being a follower of tradition. Yeah happy birthday when I was growing up, when u reach 40, it’s a different story.

·        My friends moved on with their life. (moved, deceased, married, etc…)
·        My other half? We don’t even speak much. Happily married for 3 out of 7 years.
·        DANG!!! Another day, another year I’m closer 2 being out of here.
·        Cake and ice cream don’t sound bad, is it sugar free?
·        Sex? 2 many mouths 2 feed. The bills aint goin’ away, one came 2day.

        Some people act like their birthday is every day, they:
·        Drink heavy.
·        Smoke heavy.
·        Eat heavy with no thought about nutrition.
·        Party all the time.
·        Sex? No comment.
U get the picture,4 my birthday I plan on doing things 2 promote living and not trying 2 make my birth day, my death day. Thank you 4 reading, peace and um out.

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