Saturday, July 21, 2012

The next step
   While I had 2 build physically, I had 2 stay focused mentally as well. Most important is 2 never lose your cool. (Unless it’s close 2 100 degrees like 2 day.) Whenever there was a task that I couldn’t accomplish, I would stop and think on how 2 achieve my goal. Each day I would walk a little further or do more repetitions with basic exercises.
    When lifting weights, I used light weights but a lot of repetitions 2 build my strength and coordination. When I first started, I couldn’t lift 10 pounds without a struggle. Me get angry?
   Anger is a waste of energy and your mind goes haywire. The body will soon follow and you’ll end up in a state u don’t want 2 B N. Self control will get U 2 your goal quicker with practice. NEVER GIVE UP! As long as it’s leading 2 a positive goal never give n. Thanks 2 H. Kimball and R. Kidd 4 the constant push n track and football.
   I then did some more research and was led 2 amino acids. My choice was L-Glutamine. I will explain more n the next post. Please comment if there’s information u want or if you want 2 say “WHO CARES!!!” Peace.  

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